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Raw court video: Testimony in Adam Montgomery weapons trial for June 2 (Part 4)

WARNING: Language used during the proceedings might contain expletives. Viewer discretion is advised.

Raw court video: Testimony in Adam Montgomery weapons trial for June 2 (Part 4)

WARNING: Language used during the proceedings might contain expletives. Viewer discretion is advised.

Please be seated. Thank you for your patience. Ladies and gentlemen, uh from time to time things arise that we either don't expect or have other uh related business that we need to deal with. So, uh I very much appreciate your patience and when the state is ready, you may call your next witness. So then too big. Thank you. You can just be very careful that you please. Thank you very much. Just remain standing for *** brief moment when you get there. Thanks. Um Could you please raise your right hand? First thing, I'd like you to swear you, you only swear that the best you will give to this jury, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So, yes, thank you. There's some water there if you drink or anything else, if you need *** break, just let us know. Ok, thank you. All right. And uh one thing you're as we're going through today since we're being recorded. Could you please state your first and last name and spell both of them as well? Tara Hilbert, T *** R *** H H I L B E RT and M Hilbert. What town do you live in right now. Manchester, New Hampshire. Ok. How long have you been living here in Manchester? Uh, almost seven years. Seven years now. Ok. And um, I'm sorry just, I'm sorry about this, Miss Hilbert, I apologize for the delay. So with regards to there in Manchester, um, are you working right now? No. Ok. Um, is there, uh, where are you living? What's your address? 137 Orange Street. Apartment two, apartment two. How long have you been on Orange Street? At apartment 27 years? Seven years. All right. Um, uh, for, uh, 1 37 Orange Street, do you own that building or are you renting, renting? Uh, is there anything besides obviously paying rent? Is there anything else that you're doing for your landlord to help pay for the rent? I clean out the apartments that are being moved out of after they move out and then I take out the trash barrels at each property that he owns for the trash days. But, um, on average of any given week, about how many hours of your, of your week is spent doing those sort of tasks and duties. Uh, it really all depends because some of them, some of the trash areas are like horrible. So I'll spend, I'd say probably three hours *** week at each or like all week. And what are the different, uh, addresses that you have to go to, to do this? Uh You need the exact number, just roughly maybe *** number of buildings just so the jury gets ok. Uh, there's, uh, including my building, there's 66 properties, six properties altogether. Um, and so with that, um, specifically, I wanted to ask you *** little bit about the relationship between the building where you live at 1 37 Orange Street with another address. *** 6 44 Union Street. Are, how are those two buildings related? Are they close together? Are they not close together? Can you kind of describe that for us? So we get an understanding. We my building and that building share the same parking lot in the back of my building and in the back of that building. So my building to that building is probably 25 ft away from each other. Yeah, if you're like at the corner of my building to that corner of that building, like the closest corner, it's probably 25 ft. Let's go ahead and show you, let's go ahead and show you students exhibit 19 and then 18, I'll have you take *** look at these just for *** second and let me show you State's exhibit 19 1st. Do you uh do you recognize this area or what's depicted in this photo? OK. What is this, what is depicted here where I live, where you live? And that's 6 44 Union Street, right? In fact, is there any sort of label that 6 44 Union street on this image. Do we see something that says that? Ok. And the other address of where you said you lived? Ok. Uh Is there anything that we can see on that picture? That kind of marks or indicates that that is the building that is 1 37 orange, maybe that red dot *** red dot on it? Yeah. Ok. All right. Let me show you Steve's exhibit 18 now and with regards to this image, um, can we see your house 1 37 Orange Street from this address? Ok. And can we also see 6 44 Union Street from this address? You said *** moment ago? There's *** parking lot. Can we see that in this photo? Yes. If I were to be able to kind of blow these up and put them on the big screen, would that be, uh, would you find that helpful to be able to kind of explain how the two buildings are next to each other? I think so. Ok, that I'm going to turn your attention if you would just for *** brief moment, please, Miss Hilbert too. Uh, the image on your screen, the States exhibit 19. That's the same photo I just showed you *** moment ago, right? Yes. And I wondered if you could go ahead and, um, actually, do you mind stepping down if your honor with your permission and do be careful of the words right there. I was wondering if you could just kind of point to where 6 44 Union Street is here. So that is just for saying, you're pointing over here to this building and with regards to your own address, the 1 37 Orange Street, where is that? Did I zoom in accurately on that to the right building? And which floor is your apartment? The first one? First four? It *** good time. You can um so separate from this, I'd like to also go to the state's exhibit 18 for *** few second invite. And you see that's the same image we just looked at *** moment ago. Now, from here on this perspective, uh just generally point out the parking lot that you share between the two of them and typically where uh Orange Street, which one is yours again? Which uh which building that one there? And at that particular building where do you often end up parking your car? My car is right here. Oh, just underneath. Yeah. And with regards to the Union Street, folks who are living at Union Street, do they have any restrictions on where they can park or can they park anywhere within the law, within the law? Um I want to draw your attention over to the right hand side of this image and I'll zoom in here. Is that the back of the building you pointed out the 6 44 Union Street? OK. Um Seeing *** lot of brown there, could you kind of explain to us what that is that is the back porches, back porches. Um Is that *** separate entrance from the front from the front door? Do people sometimes use that as *** primary means of entrance or is it almost secondary? What is it most people use the back as their main entrance? Mhm. And with regards to that zoom out again, so we can see the whole image of States since 18 having lived there for seven years. Is that right? Ok. How often do you find yourself interacting with people who are living at the Union Street address compared to you folks who are living on Orange Street? Um *** lot because I'm really friendly. So I try to meet everybody. Well, thank you very much. Please feel free to go ahead and have *** seat. Thank you. So now that we understand this kind of general area, I'm gonna ask whether or not uh while you were living on Orange Street, um You said you've been living there for about seven years, correct? All right. So that would include 2019 and 2020. Is that right? Um How did you first end up meeting Adam Montgomery and Kayla Montgomery, like talking wise meeting without going into the specifics of what the conversations were that you had. But I'm just generally wondering where that might be, especially given the maps that we looked at here. Um Had you met them over at Union Street. Had you met them at your address in the parking lot where it was in the back, in the back section like the back right in the back of my building. Ok. Actually come on, I'll zoom in here. We still see state exhibit 18. Uh Am I pointing out the back of that, that building where you're talking about? Yes. And when you met them, where had they, um where were they residing at? 644 Union Street? Apartment two, apartment two, what floor is? Apartment two on second floor? Second. How often did you talk with them? Uh, at first it was just very vaguely and then it got, as the summer approached, nice weather came, they bring their kids out more and then we had kids so they'd all just play and we'd just socialize. What were the ages of, of your kids? My daughter was, uh, four at the time and, uh, obviously your daughter was living with you. I take it right. You said we, uh, so who else lives at your home with you? My fiance. And what's his name? Josh Zimmerman when you met Adam Montgomery and Kayla Montgomery. Um, uh, did you know or did you learn what Adam Montgomery was doing for work at that time? Ok. Did you ever give him *** ride to work sometimes? Ok. And where did you give him *** ride to work? Home Depot? How many times did you do that. Oh, maybe 10, maybe 10. Yeah. Right. At some point I'd like to ask you or actually let me ask this. Uh, had you ever been inside of their apartment while they were living there? Have they ever been inside of your apartment while you were living there? And when I say they, I just want to be very clear. I'm talking about Kale Montgomery and Adam Montgomery. Yes. How many times had Adam Montgomery been inside your apartment while they were living there? Uh I'd say just *** couple, probably five. Maybe. Um, what were the reasons? Uh, why in general? And, and I guess, maybe, did you spend *** lot of time socializing with each other or these specific reasons why somebody would come over? We were cooking on the grill and it was really hot out those nights. So we let all the kids go and we'd all sit in the ac and eat. Ok, at some point. Uh What if anything did Adam Montgomery tell you about owning *** rifle that he had guns that he was selling and didn't say that he owned them just that he had guns at one point in time before living at this address. And with regards to the rifle, how did he describe this rifle that he owned that it was AR-15? Did he say anything else about it? Any other details about the gun? No, nothing about the gun? And where did he say he had kept that on at an address that he lived at that his grandmother had owned, that was foreclosed on and one that his grandmother had owned that was foreclosed on him. Right. And what street did he was that on? I didn't know at the time, but after seeing the address on the news before it was, well, I just wanted questions were brought you, uh, not consider the last question or answer. Uh, with regards to the street specifically, did Adam Montgomery ever tell you what street it was or no? All right. So we did not. And you say, where did he say he had kept the gun inside this previous address? Walls and ceilings, walls and ceilings and this is the home. You said he told you he had been foreclosed on and they had been kicked out of what if anything did he tell you about whether or not he was being investigated for these guns? He didn't say anything about being investigated. He didn't say anything about being investigated like he didn't have police contact like, yeah. Um I apologize. I should restate the question. I should have been more clear. Um Did he ever state to you that he believed he was being investigated for these guns? And what did he say about that? That the *** T F was after him? What if any incidents, did you see that? I'm sorry. Let me restate that question. Did you see any incidents involving him? That either confirmed or dispelled your belief of whether he thought he was being investigated. Uh I wouldn't see him for days him or Kayla. So I figured they were just trying to hide in the house for *** while, hide in the house for *** while. Yeah, cause they literally wouldn't come out of the house. Did he ever exhibit any other behavior about that same belief that he was being investigated by the *** T F for these guns? Um I don't know if I should go into detail about. Ok. Um Let me withdraw the question then and I'll restate *** different one. Ok. What was his behavior like as he went on to live next door? Uh, very um scared thinking people were after him. What did you? And if you're saying that that's what he was thinking, I want to know, I guess more specifically, what did you see that made you believe that? What behavior did you see from him that made you believe that he was hallucinating? Hold on just *** minute. There's an objection. So we just have to wait. Yes. When you, um you stated before that uh the defendant had been uh the previous house that he had been living. Excuse me? Where Mr Montgomery, uh Adam Montgomery had been living, had been foreclosed on. I believe you said it was his mother's house or grandmother's house, grandmother's grandmother's house. Is that something that he told you? Yes. All right. Thank you. And during the conversation about these guns, did you ever or was Kayla Montgomery ever present for those conversations? She was all right. Thank you very much, Miss Hilbert. I appreciate your time. I don't have any further questions for you, but I believe the defense counsel will have *** couple. Thank you. Good afternoon, Miss Hillburn. I'm Robin Davis. I'm just gonna ask you *** couple of follow up questions. Uh, you said that you met Kayla and Adam um, at the Union Street address and that was in uh uh 2020. Is that correct? Yes. And was that early 2020? Yes. Do you know what month? No, they moved in early 2020 and I'd say it was probably March, April March or April. Ok. Could have been as far back as February. No, not that close. Not right when they moved in. Do you speak to the police in regards to um, when Adam and Kayla moved in? Yes, if I showed you the police report, would that refresh your recollection? No, I remember it. So you, um you met Adam and um Kayla at the 6 44 Union Street? That was not your building, correct? But you were *** property manager there, correct? And in that time you indicated that uh you became friendly with Adam and Kayla. Uh but you are more friendly with Kayla. Is that right? Yes. And I think you said you only on *** few occasions, had you interacted with Adam and during that time you indicated that Adam had bragged about selling guns. Yes. And you indicated that that happened on three occasions. It was two or three. Yeah. Ok. So in the whole time that you had interactions with Adam or Kayla only three times, did you hear this? And when was the last time you saw Adam and Kayla at the Union street address? Um I know Kayla was June 2021. I think Adam was April 2021. Ok. So over *** long period of time. Yeah. And during the time he was uh bragging about guns. You never saw him with any guns, he never showed you any photos of any guns. And even at his house, there were no guns. I don't know, I never went in, you went to their house one time you said no. Ok. And again, you spoke with the police uh including the *** T F and the Manchester police *** about uh being friendly with Adam and Kayla. Yes. And you spoke with them in uh 2022. Is that correct? Kayla in 2022 know you spoke with the police in regards to your relationship in March of 2022. So that both conversations um were about two years after you had met Kayla and Adam and you said that Adam had left earlier in the year from the Union Street address. And then Kayla remained there. Yes. Um, and you continued to be friends with her even after she left the Union Street address, didn't you? *** little bit? Yeah. Not as close as we were just kept in contact, but you continued to speak with her and you continued to speak with her even, um, when she was arrested and incarcerated. Yes, you continued to have conversations with us. And is that fair to say that uh you still have conversations with her? No. When was the last conversation you've had with Kayla? Um Well, over *** year and *** half ago, well over *** year and *** half ago. Yeah, thank you. I have nothing further. Thanks. I have two quick questions, Mr Hubert. You set up for you go about depending breaking. Yes, I just wanted to ask him again. Do you recall any other details about the, the rifle and the guns that he was bragging about? No? All right. Thank you very much. I think you ask this for me and the further decided to follow up. Ok. Go ahead. You spoke to the Manchester Police in uh 2022 for the first time about Adam and Kayla. Correct? Yes. And at that time, you never mentioned anything about *** AR-15 and then they recontacted you in 2023. What? Just recently you spoke with the police again in May of this year? Ok. And that was in preparation for this testimony here today. Yes. Ok. Uh, and you knew that this, uh, trial was about firearms, correct? Yes. And it was on that date. May 26th, that you remembered the AR-15. No, you didn't tell the state like I remembered it. I don't, should I go, I don't know if I should go into detail. Yes. Finish first. Uh, just for clarification. I asked you, uh, about the police speaking with you on March 9th of 2022. I don't know the exact date, but yes, it was in March 2022. Ok. The year 2022 you recall that. Ok. Uh And at that time, you indicated that Adam was bragging um about the sale of guns. Yes. Ok. And uh that he had uh specifically mentioned an AR-15. Yes. Ok. But you never saw any guns or anything further for the state? All right. Uh You may step down. Thank you. Any objection, right? This may be excused. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to clarify something with you. You probably have noticed that certain witnesses indicate that they're not sure how to answer *** certain question. And as you know, the defendant was arrested on an unrelated matter to this case. And so witnesses have been instructed that they're not to talk about those kinds of unrelated matters. So it may be that the answer when they are not sure about, about answering *** question that may bring, bring up something related to the unrelated matter they indicate that they're not sure how to answer that question and then the parties will move on, ok? Um You may call your next witness. Thank you. At this point. I would like to call Mr Joshua Zimmerman to the Yeah, you understand, we'll get him set first stand and then over here we done just be careful when only here for three days and if you can just have *** scene for *** brief moment, keep your voice up. Ok? Very good. And uh Mr Zimmerman in *** minute, uh you're gonna be asked some questions. I'm gonna ask you to keep your voice up. It's *** big room and everybody needs to be able to hear you and I'll remind the lawyers to please do the same. Thank you, your honor, my apologies. Um Mr Zimmerman, I am, I apologize. I'm gonna have to have you stand up again for *** brief moment. If you could, please, please raise your right hand, you solemnly swear that the testimony will give this jury will give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So I'll be gone. I do. Thank you, sir. Please feel free. We're being reported here today. Please state your first and last name and spell them both. And Joshua Zimmerman, J OS H U *** Z I M M er Ma N and Mr Zimmer. What city do you live in? Manchester? How long have you been living here in Manchester? Uh about seven years. Seven years with regards to your address. What's your street address? Where do you live? 1 37 Orange Street. How long have you been living there at that address? Seven years. Seven years. Ok. Um, with regards to, uh, your education, so we just get an idea of the background. Now, how far did you go in school? Uh, I graduated high school and, uh, what sort of different jobs have you had over your life lifetime? Mostly painting contractor. And is that what you're doing for work now? Um And what I want to ask and actually, I wanna go ahead and draw your attention to the screen for *** minute. I'm gonna show you an image here that has actually, you know what? So it's easier to do with the old fashioned Mr Zimmer. You State exhibit 18 and 19. And uh actually let me show you States exhibit 19 1st. Do you recognize um the area of the city that's depicted in this photo? Ok. And there's *** marking here that says 6 44 Union Street. Do you recognize that? Two B 6 44 Union Street? Yes. Where is your house in relation to that? It is behind it, behind it? OK. And uh *** moment ago, I just wanna make sure I'm preserving the record here. Uh Were you pointing to the building that seems to almost have *** red dot on it in the center? OK. And I'm gonna show you state's exhibit 18. Um, does this also show where you live the building you live on the 1 37 Orange? Yes. All right. And, uh, what about 6 44 Union Street? Do you see it here? Yeah, it's right. All right. The parking lot that you share between those buildings. Uh, excuse me, let me retract that. Uh, the parking lot. Does that cover just 1 37 Orange Street or does it cover other buildings in the area covers the four buildings covers the four buildings? Ok. And so can we see all four buildings in this picture? So all four buildings get to share that same lot. Is that right? Uh Kind of give us an idea of the level of interaction. How much uh do you see other residents talking with one another when they're all sharing the same? Quite *** bit, quite *** bit. We go ahead and put the state exhibit 18. Now, I'd like to ask, have you ever met an individual by the name of Adam Montgomery? Yes. Ok. And how did you meet Adam Montgomery? Um In passing neighbors and neighbors, do you know where he lived? Where did he live right next to me right next to you? Ok. Um And I apologize, I make sure, can you hear me? All right. Yeah. Ok. Obviously, I imagine that nobody's comfortable necessarily on the witness stand. But um if you need *** break or if you need water or something, just let us know. Ok. Ok. All right. And with regards to that, um, meeting Adam Montgomery. Were you living at the Orange Street address at the time? Yes, same one where you still live now? Yes. And I want to be very specific with you. What if anything did he tell you about owning *** rifle? He said he had one and he sold it and he was mhm. Scared about the *** T F afterwards. Ok. So let me kind of break that down. So he said to you that he had *** rifle and owned it and, and what did he do with it? He sold it, he sold it. Ok. All right. Um, uh, what do you recall about how, what the rifle was like, how he described the rifle? Um, I don't know the difference between *** rifle and AK-47 and an *** R but it was, it was *** rifle. I, when I got it, it was *** rifle. Did he describe it any more than that? Other than to say it was that style of rifle? No, not really. And when, when did he tell you he had this rifle before he lived there before he lived there? Do you know where he was living before he lived there at Union Street? I don't know the exact address. Ok. Do you remember just generally the street? No. Ok. So right now you don't recall the street, but it's where he was living before he came to the main street on, on that particular show. I just want to ask you, um, have you had *** couple different opportunities to sit down with Manchester Police Department and talk to them about this conversation you have with the defendant with Adam Montgomery, I should say. All right. Um, and in that, at one point in time, had you indicated what that street was? Do you recall telling them what that street was *** bad memory? I don't know if I had *** chance to or if I couldn't show you *** report of that meeting that you had with police. Do you think that might refresh your recollection about what your memory is? Ok, to show you police report? And, um, hopefully we can move this over to the side if that's OK with you. And I'm gonna show you *** particular report. Um, you remember meeting with, um, or having *** phone conversation, uh, with *** police officer and an assistant attorney general just earlier this week? Ok. And during that, did you talk with them about, um, your conversations with Adam Montgomery about guns? Ok. I'd like you to have *** read through this particular report here. And, um, I'm gonna direct your attention just to the bottom half of the report just for *** moment and then, uh, look up whenever you're done. Ok? You fast reader. Ok. And let me restate the question now and we'll see whether or not? That refreshed your recollection. Do you recall when you were speaking with these officers? Um, again as recently as this week, um, about what address or what street the defendant was living on when he had owned the rifle that he talked to you about was the Guilford Street address, street on Gilford Street address that refreshes your recollection about that and that conversation with the defendant? All right, I just want to make sure I've got that accurately. Did he say where he kept the gun at that previous address? He said he was hiding them in the walls and stuff like that because he was where he was gonna, I don't know, get in trouble. But I said, well, let me just go to, I'll be very specific and I apologize. Sometimes my questions are too broad and let me be more specific. Um So the question that I wanted to ask was, did he say where he was keeping that gun at the time he was living there? And I believe you just said in the walls. Is that right? All right. So that's part number one. Um Second from that, you mentioned *** few moments ago, something about the *** T F or some statement about the *** T F. What did the defendant say to you about the *** T F? Um, he got kind of paranoid and was putting notes on people's cars, hold, hold on *** minute. I'm not asking about his actions. I just want to, you said that he had gotten paranoid? I just want to know the statement and let me be more clear. Did he say to you that he was concerned about the *** T F? Yes. Ok. Did he ever tell you why he left the Guilford Street house? I think they got evicted or something. And when you have, how many of these conversations did you have with Adam Montgomery about this rifle about these guns? Once, once, one time, was there anybody else present there when you had that conversation? My fiance, your fiance was there. Uh, was there anybody else there, um, uh, any other adults or child or anyone? Kayla? Kayla and the kids, they were running around? Ok. I wanna make sure I, I heard that. So I thought you just said Kayla and the kids, but they were running around. Is that right? And is, was Kayla next to you and the defendant when you have these conversations with Tara there or was she also running around with the kids? Yeah, it's back and forth. But we're all right there on, uh, who's porch, your porch or Adam Montgomery's porch, my porch, your porch. And that's the one at 1 37 Orange Street you showed us there? Yes. All right. Um, last question for you, Mr Zimmerman with regards to Adam Montgomery. Is he in the courtroom today? Yes. Could you please point out what he's wearing? And describe the color shirt he's wearing blue. Ok. And could you please point out generally where he is in the over there? It's inside, at this point, your honor. We'd ask the record to reflect that the witness has identified the defendant. The record shall still reflect. Thank you, Mr Zimmerman. I don't have any further questions for you. I believe defense counsel will have *** few. That's me. How are you? I'm Caroline Smith and I don't have no, I don't have too many questions for you, but I did want to follow up on, on one of the things that you said um when you started answering questions um with Mr Agatti and he asked you what street Adam lived on when he was um talking about not when he was talking, but where he was living when he said he had gotten, boy, that's *** bad one. So, um let me back up there to make that *** little easier. You said that this conversation happened with Adam uh while you were at Union Avenue, right? He was *** Union *** and you're at Orange Street side by side, you have *** conversation and you said you had *** conversation about some guns uh or an AR-15 at Guilford, right? As street? No, it was at Orange Street. I had the conversation, right? Ok. That's what I didn't want to mess up with and made it even worse, but it was about activity that he said he was doing while at Guilford Street. Right. Yes. And when attorney *** Gotti first asked you about where that activity was supposed to be happening, you said you couldn't remember. You had *** bad memory with names. Ok. And, um, you actually talked to *** police officer 5 31. So that was just *** couple of days ago, right? And, um, that was *** phone call, right? While you were at your house after work? Oh, you were at work? Ok. And um, during that phone call, uh you were able to provide *** name of *** street. Yeah. Ok. And he was actually asking you questions about what street where he was living, right? And um, so when you first talk to, I'm changing the subject *** bit and moving too fast again. Sorry. Uh, you recall that your wife was talked to police in March of 2022 right? And she told you about that conversation with the police, right? Because it's not *** secret. You two share your lives together, right? And um, you were aware that um, Adam had been arrested, right? You have to say that loud and you were aware that Kayla had been arrested. And um, uh, and you were aware that the police had talked to Tara and you were aware of what they talked to Terra about. Yeah, pretty much. She told you the conversation that she told the police, right? And you talked to the police in and I brought the arm run over. Sorry. Um, September 26th, 2022. Right. That's give or take six months after Kara had that conversation with the police. Right. Yep. And that's after you and Tara had talked about that conversation that she had with police. Right? Yeah. Ok. Thank you. So you think you may step down? Ok. Uh, is the state ready to call its next witness? We are your, I'm just, um, of our technology, but I think we should go ahead and get the latest on the stand. And so at this point, the state was applied to homes for Michael Jones and Stanley granddaughter. Please be careful. Please please remain standing for *** brief moment while I'm there. But to swear you in through him, you saw the testimony. You will give this jury see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. God, yes. Please feel free to have *** seat. I please state your full name. Uh, spelling both your first and last for the record. It's Michael Dob M IC H *** E L Dobe, I apologize for the mispronunciation. Ok. Uh, uh, Mr Dope, uh, currently, um, uh, what town do you live in? London? Ok. And how long have you lived there? 10 years? About 10 years or so? Yeah. All right. And let me ask for you. So the jury understands your testimony here today. What field of work do you work in? Asset protection, asset protection. And for folks who are not familiar with asset protection, how would you explain that to them? What is asset protection? It's just another form of security. Our job is to prevent theft in retail stores. What are some of the different retail stores that you've worked in? And for how long I've been doing security and asset protection for about 15 years. I currently work at Macy's and where are some of the different retailers that you have worked with before? Uh going to Macy's. Yep. So prior to Macy's, I was with Walmart, I was with Walmart for *** few years and then prior to that was Rite Aid for 9.5 years and then Kmart for *** few years. Do you move around sometimes from store to store or are you located at one store when you have these jobs? Um So Rite Aid, I move store to store. Uh Walmart, I was assigned to only the Manchester location and then Macy's, I'm only assigned to the Salem location. And what were the Times or, or excuse me, what years were you working for? Walmart at that Manchester location? Uh 2020 to 2022. And so everybody knows which location are we talking about? What street? Uh 7 25 Gold Street in Manchester? Is that the one? So uh for me to get there from here, which way would I go? Uh I think the quickest way would to be, go up, um, uh, I don't know what the side street is here but straight up to Beach Street and then Beach Street all the way down the south. Willow, south Willow, uh, to, uh, to like the friendlies area. And then you take *** right at Friendly's and that brings you right to Walmart. Ok. Um, so how, again, how long were you working at that particular Walmart? Uh, approximately two years? Two years. All right. Um, are you, uh, from two years of working there? And, and I should say this, what are your average work weeks? Like, how many hours are you there in the store? Um, that varies, but typically I would say anywhere between 40 and 50 hours *** week. So, is it fair to say, you know, the interior layout of that store fairly well? I do. All right. Um, I want to ask about *** device at the very front of the store, I believe in the service area called an Eco ATM. Are you familiar with that device *** little bit? Yes. Could you explain to the jury? What is an Eco ATM? Uh, and at least what was it when you were there at Walmart? Yep. So the Eco ATM is *** vendor service. Uh, it has nothing really to do with Walmart. It's not Walmart owned but, um, essentially it's, um, uh, *** human list pawn shop, almost. You just put electronics in there. It gives you, um, *** dollar amount of what they value that electronic device to be. And then if you agree to its terms and payment, it keeps the electronic item and then it gives you the money. So it's almost *** place where I can turn him if I was tired of my phone. Right. This is it. I want to get rid of it. I could go there and get money for my phone at one of these devices. You can. Yes. And is that something that's in multiple Walmarts or just that particular Walmart? Uh To be honest, I don't know if it's at multiple Walmarts, but we did have it in our and it's also used in various other locations. Um at some point in time specifically, actually in early January of 2022 were you contacted by Manchester Police Departments with regards to an ongoing investigation they had? Yes. And did they ask you to retrieve any sort of records that Walmart had about eco ATM transactions between December 30th and December 31st of 2021. Just the month prior they did. Yes. Ok. And what did you do uh to assist in that investigation? Um I believe they gave me dates and times to look at and then, um I uh burned those videos and any uh camera frame relating into that area and then I provided it to Manchester Police when you say camera frame relating to that area. What do you mean by that uh the service desk where the ECO ATM machine was. And in addition to that footage from the service area, uh were you able to look at other cameras that were recording um from that same time period? Like were you able to for lack of *** better term? Are you able to basically follow somebody through the store from different recording to different recording? I was able to do that. Yes. Were you able to do that for the eco ATM transaction? And the people involved with that transaction that you saw on the video it was? And what did you do with that uh video footage once you had it? I provided it to the Manchester Police Department. Um I'm gonna show you states exhibit one for identification purposes only and I'm gonna go ahead and hand you that and feel free to take the uh DVD or the CD uh out of the sleeve. Just want to have you take *** look at it. Do you recognize that DVD or, or CD? I? OK. How do you recognize it? Uh My initials and data on it. Have you watched the video content that's on that CD? I have. What is the video content on that CD? Uh the video that I provided? The Manchester Police Department, the one that we're talking about here for this transaction? And um again, at the very front of the CD, did you do anything to market? So you know that that's the same CD that you viewed. Yep, I uh initialed it and signed it. Um Go ahead and take that back for me, please. Thank you. And the video footage that you viewed on here, is that *** full and accurate representation of the video footage that you provided to the Manchester Police Department relative to this investigation? They asked it is at this point in time your honor. I believe the defense would like. Ok, *** quick question. I'm sorry, half of us are still up here. Um The footage that you pull for the Manchester Police Department in relation to the investigation they asked for, did you view that footage before you gave it to Manchester? I had to in order to burn it. So, yes. Ok. Thank you. All right. The idea is stricken exhibit one is entered as *** full exhibit or it may be, I just have *** brief moment to speak with you. I understand it. Um Council's agreement, what I'd like to do is just briefly have *** quick second. We're going to take the contents of that particular CD. The full contents of that CD. Go ahead and put it on the live folder area here so that we can do the videos without view any other content we discussed before about that. And also there's an incredible lag time when trying to play for receiving wrong that may interfere with the video for the *** jury to be able to see it. So you want to eliminate that by making *** play immediately off. Yes, just *** moment. Ladies and gentlemen, yeah, this is *** good time to stand up and strength and lawyers are not known for their technical expertise, right? You can just second you do any other label that only was appropriate to show. Great, Mr, thank you very much for your time. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your time for supporting council uh with this. Uh I'm gonna go ahead and bring over onto your screen here rather small. Yeah. Right, Mr do what I would like to do now is what I would like to play. One of the particular videos on the CD that you've just given to us, which is state exhibit one. Um I'd like to, there are *** total of as I call that multiple tracks on this and I believe the first one that you've entitled here was called service desk overview monitor. Um What area of the store is that? So the service desk is located in the front of the store and separate from that. Do you have video cameras that cover the entrance of the store? We do. Do you have cameras that cover the different aisles inside Walmart or did you? I should say I'm sorry, it did you, we did. Yes. And what about individuals who are exiting the store? Did you have cameras that cover that area as well? Correct. Going to start by playing an entrance video. What we reported here specifically for the record. I'm referring to entrance general merchandise, uh underscore 02 underscore 12.30 dot 2021.13 dot 55.14 underscore 12.30 dot 2021.13 dot 55 dot You know, Mr Speaker, we're gonna hit play on this track again. This is entrance general merchandise causing it right here at this particular moment. Seven seconds into this track. Um Do we see three individuals coming into the store? Here? We do and these three individuals, these are the three individuals that you then were able to follow on cameras throughout their time at the store that day. That is correct tess this general entrance that they're coming through. Uh, where is that located in the store? And I might sound like *** strange question but the side of the store, the back of the store, the front of the store. So it is the front of the store and that is our general merchandise, uh, entrance. Is there *** second entrance? There is, is *** grocery entrance which is also in the front. I'll play that track again from the beginning without pausing and from there, I'd like to ask, do you also have another camera separate from one here that shows individuals coming in, uh, that is at different heights within the store. Maybe not one that's as low as this. But do you have ones that are higher, maybe ones that are lower. Yeah, we, uh, the store had various types of cameras, ones that were low, uh, high level and high up. And, um, I'd like to play for you now, *** track, you can also tell us where this is in the local store. The track name is P T Z underscore 17 underscore 12.30 dot 2021.13 dot 55.15 to 12 30. Uh, what does this area depict here? So this is also the, this is the same entrance that we just saw. It's the general merchandise, uh, entrance. It's just *** different camera view, gonna let it play through to the end and then I'm gonna play it again and ask you questions again. That's the general merchandizing area you said, correct. And the door, um, that's in the vestibule. Is the *** P office gonna get here? I'm gonna go ahead and, um, you said that there is *** door to the *** V P office and I was wondering if you don't mind just kind of stepping up, uh, for *** moment, come down and show us where that door is. You pausing the video, uh, specifically at 12 seconds into the track right there. You're pointing to the left hand side of the screen, correct. That would have been our office. Could you show us that again? Yep. And from that, can we see the same three individuals who had just come in the entrance *** second ago, we can playing this. Did you see where these people went after they came into the school? If I remember correctly, they went straight to the service desk area and we've got *** video of that service desk. Gary, I'd like to play for you. Now, the area, the area called service desk overview monitor. 12 30 2021.13 dot 55 50 to 30 same day. 12 30 2021 14 21. Not 42. Are we now watching this? Is this the service area that you talked about? This is like deposit just for *** brief second, six seconds into the video. Uh Can you tell us what are the different areas that we can see here on this video? What what areas do the camera does the camera cover? Uh Do you mind if I get up and you? Thank you. So this is the service desk right here. This is the lower left hand side of the screen. This is the Eco ATM machine and then it said the front end register or something. So the front end register, as you said in behind, that's is that where I would go to pay when I went to leave the store? Correct? All right. And could you point out the Eco ATM machine again? Yeah. So we're gonna start playing the video again, moving on for six seconds and then we watch the section of the video. Could you tell us whether you see the same three individuals we talked about already come over to the machine I do. And again, this is footage that you reviewed before you give it to the Manchester Police Department and before uh you review this CD, correct approximately. How long does it take to conduct one of these eco ATM transactions based on your experience? Um I mean, based on my experience, I would say anywhere between five and 10 minutes, I would say, but I'm, I'm not 100% sure this particular track is because I'm reading this correctly told me if I'm right at the bottom of the screen, 33 minutes and 55 seconds long. Is that correct? Correct. Having watched this portion of the video going through without us sitting here for 33 minutes and 55 seconds to watch all of it. Do you see the same individuals here at this machine or at least one or more of those individuals here at this machine throughout this entire 33 seconds? I do. Yes. And who's the individual or individuals who are standing at that machine the entire time? Who are they? I'm sorry, could you point out which individual it is? No, I'm not asking about their names. Um Right now it looks like the two females are standing there, one in *** blue light blue shirt, long sleeve and *** maybe *** darker blue jacket. While you do that and they were just showing by *** male, uh these two women and then the male with the hat, what color is that? Uh I would say 10, what I would like to do is um in regards to this transaction, I'd like to go ahead and speed up the video if I can and just to allow you to be in the seats. I mean, I'll tell you what Mr do. Maybe it would be more efficient if I go ahead and start jumping forward in different times. You watched this video, the individual in the light blue that we see there with *** bright colored bag. Is she there at the E AM throughout the entire video? Yes. And what about the uh other uh woman that's in the dark blue jacket and the gentleman in the hat, uh the one in the darker blue I believe also stays the whole time. The gentleman in the hat uh varies. He leaves and comes back throughout the video. I'd like to go ahead and jump forward. Now specifically come up to an area of approximately only nine minutes in. Mhm. All right. Uh We're now 19 minutes in uh in 25 seconds. Do you still see uh the two female individuals there? Yes. Yeah. And can you point out where they are at the ECO ATM machine to jump forward now in time? Now, looking at 22 minutes and 55 seconds in are those same two females still there at the ATM Machine? Now, looking at 24 minutes and 45 seconds. And are they still there at the ATM Machine? Do you see that same gentleman in the tan hat? I do. Can you point him out? Yep. He's the one walking away in the staff t-shirt. Jump forward again to 27 18. Do you still see those two individuals? I do and now jumping forward to 28 16. Are they both still there at the youtube? And could you point them out, please? Yep, they are and they are still both at the E *** there just for *** second now at 29 20. Uh, can you please point them out if they're both still there behind the seat? Now, coming up on 29 30 is for *** small amount of time again. Go back with regards to 29 45. And I'd like you to tell me if you see the individual with the tan hat. Come back into view of this camera. I do. You should lose point him out for us. Word here just *** couple of seconds. Now, looking at 30 47 you still see the individual with the tan hat. I do. And at that point is that individual? Now off the screen, we're standing here at 31 00 is wrong with the female in the dark blue jacket. Did you follow the two of them? As they went through the store, I believe I did. Yes. And is that part of the video footage you provided to the Manchester Police Department? Yes. This camera angle and where you were for this? Um How high is this particular camera? Uh this camera is probably maybe about 10 ft off the floor. Do you have other cameras that are closer that could see more facial features than what we can see here? Yes. Ok. Do you have any in the cosmetics department? That would that? Yes. Might we be able to see the person's face or any of these people's faces if they walk through one of those cosmetic cameras? Yes. At this point, I'd like to play another track for you. I'm gonna ask you to approach for just *** minute Council approach five after four. So I've spoke to lawyers. I think this is *** good time to end for the day. Once again, I'm going to remind you don't discuss the case, not with anybody else, not with each other. Don't do any independent research. Don't drive by any locations, don't look up the law as you've been instructed. You will have all the information you need to decide this case. At the conclusion of this case, it is again, incredibly important that you avoid any newspaper television or online coverage of this case. And there is some out there. So I really want you to pay close attention to not viewing any of it. Ok. Um Having said that, I wish you all *** very good weekend. Thank you so much for your time and attention this week. We'll have you back here at 8 45 on Monday morning for *** nine AM start again. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, I rise for the jurors. All right, Mr Do you may step down, we're gonna tell you, we're gonna need to have you come back on Monday. I think we just weren't going to get it all in before the end of today. So, uh thank you very much. Um So anything else? I just, ok, that's, that's fine. Go ahead. Uh I don't think we have anything up there. Anything we need to do uh today? No, everybody's nothing, nothing good good. Ok, so Mr Montgomery can go back. Oh, there is one that I want to remember if I got it right. I did not then.
Raw court video: Testimony in Adam Montgomery weapons trial for June 2 (Part 4)

WARNING: Language used during the proceedings might contain expletives. Viewer discretion is advised.

VIDEO: See additional testimony Friday as Adam Montgomery's trial on weapons charges continues. WARNING: Language used during the proceedings might contain expletives. Viewer discretion is advised.

VIDEO: See additional testimony Friday as Adam Montgomery's trial on weapons charges continues.


WARNING: Language used during the proceedings might contain expletives. Viewer discretion is advised.